The Boredom Cometh
Yes, two in one day. What can I say it gives me something to do, along with twiddling my thumbs, but they got tired. Why do I allow myself to get bored? I'm sure there are all sorts of projects that I could start, but what is the use of that? These projects would just be tedious busy work that in the end nobody would really care about. So I slowly count down the minutes until it is time for me to go home, but the boredom is like an unwelcome houseguest, it follows me there too. Again there are projects I could do at home, these would be much more rewarding I'm sure, but sometimes I just can't seem to bring myself around to starting any of them. Then I find when I start something, it's hard to finish. For instance, I've been cleaning my room for two days now and I just can't seem to make a dent. Things seem to overwhelm me and I can't place why or how. I've become a serious homebody without really meaning to be. It came on suddenly and frankly it scares me. I know I've got to make a change in my life, but I just don't know where to begin. I suppose this is a start, but talking about it isn't necessary doing it. And so the boredom becomes tedium.
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