Thursday, June 30, 2005

To Blog or Not. . .

Sometimes I wonder if I should continue to blog or not. I find it a healthly outlet and it gives me a place to rant and place my feelings down. Heck, it gives me something to do. I share information, of a sorts, that is of interest to me. But does anyone read it?? I wonder if I'm even reaching anyone. Are you out there? I do know that I find the lack of a search feature very disheartening. I can't seem to find any recent blog posts from people who share my interests, many because there is no viable way to search for said people or blogs. If I can't find them, then how then could they possibly find me? Well as I search for these answers, I suppose I'll just keep blogging on the off chance someone does read, and does care.


At July 02, 2005 8:22 AM, Blogger Fire-Eyes said...

In your profile is a list of your intrests. They sould look like links click one. you will find more then you will know what to do with.

At July 05, 2005 11:33 PM, Blogger Joshua R. Parsons said...

Hey, you found my blog, while I was pondering the same as you if I am accepting anyone. I like comments it makes me feel that someone reading my posts and are, at least, thinking about something because of me.


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