As Christmas inches closer, I can't help but think back over the memories of Christams past that I hold close to my heart. Upon hanging ornaments on the tree, I hang the ornaments that I made as a five-year old kid, placing plastic dixie cups on a cookie sheet and watching them melt down into cool shapes. Small discs of green, red, and blue, catching the lights from the tree, a prism of color upon the wall. Then of course, memories of other ornaments, and the meanings attached come flooding through, each bringing a small smile to my face. Then of course see the presents under the tree, I remember the year I received an Atari. (Aging myself, I know.) I woke up real early in the morning, maybe 3 or 4, and everyone asleep in the house. I creep downstairs, and lay upon the couch facing the Christmas tree. I cover myself with an afghan, peering out upon the tree from the tiny holes. I, of course, was hoping I could see Santa Claus. Though from my secretive perch I see may parents creep down and hide the gifts that couldn't be wrapped under the tree. When the time came for everyone to wake up in the pre-dawn light, I could be found, until I started giggling. Memories truly do make the holidays bright. As I look forward to the new year ahead of us, I also look to the new adventure that I am about to partake, the new chapter of my life, and all the Christmas memories yet to come.
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