Banned Book Week

You know, this week has come and gone, and I'd almost forgotten about it. I'm just a bad librarian. Yes, I am a librarian. In fact I am a liberal librarian. Is there any other kind you ask, unfortunately yes, our First Lady is a librarian is she not? I do not believe in filtering, and despise censorship in any form. So why I forgot about Banned Book Week I shall never know. The American Library Association, of which I am a proud member, has posted the 100 most banned books, a list which upon gazing I find quite illuminating. I myself have read several books on this list (over 10%):
3. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
6. Of Mice and Men
7. Harry Potter (series)
22. A Wrinkle in Time
28. The New Joy of Gay Sex
37. The Handmaid's Tale
41. To Kill a Mockingbird
43. The Outsiders
44. The Pigman
47. Flowers for Algernon
56. James and the Giant Peach
I challenge you! Read a Banned Book Today!!
I have read almost all of those babe. is the new Neil book. I will have to check that one out.
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