Friday, July 29, 2005

Walking Dead

I have again entered the ranks of the walking dead. Since my ASL 1 class is now over (and let me tell you I passed with flying colors) and the next class doesn't start until the end of August, I once again decided to offer my services at work. This of course entails teaching a general education course. So along with my duties as librarian, I am also, once again, super instructor. Believe me I have to be. Coming in to work at 8:00 am and then not leaving again until 10:45 pm, I am run down, beat, and becoming downright surly, yet I still have to be so. . .perky for those night students. Bleh!! After the first week my students know better, wait until I tell them about my times of the month. But I look at it this way, the money sure is nice. Now let's just hope they give me that promotion or I'm sure to go ballistic.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Cleaning My Room

I worked on cleaning my room this weekend; however, the rather futile point of this entire exercise is that this is an endeavour that has been going on now for nearly two months. I'm still not through. I can't believe how much of a pack rat I've become. Then it hit me, my room has become an outer representation of my inner self. I noticed when I seemed to make no dent in the clutter at all, that the entire task seemed daunting. I didn't know where to turn. I'm just going around in circles. Suddenly the same sense of failure and dread consumned me, like it usually does when I look at my life. The realization hit me that I hold on to too much in my life, emotional baggage I should have let go of long ago still sits there on my closet shelf gathering dust. I hold onto failed experiments in life. I hold onto grudges. I hold onto failed relationships (or rather relationships that never had a chance to get off the ground). I hold onto hurt. I hold onto lose. In turn I hold onto all the objects associated with these, and it becomes clutter in my life. Now having come to this realization, I have to reflect on my life and figure out why I decided to hold onto these things and why I can't seem to let them go. It's a slow process, but I do know that I have two garbage bags ready to head to the curb.